We are exploring new ways to use and enjoy roses in the landscape that reflect 21st century lifestyles. We are passionate about all varieties of roses, not just the stereotypical hybrid teas, but their ancestors, the old garden roses, and their descendants, the modern shrub roses. Many of these roses are disease resistant and will flourish in our hot, humid climate. We can help you select a rose that will become a focal point in your garden.
We have many activities planned each year. We participate in the spring and summer sales at the Botanic Garden. We host 2 pruning clinics each year - one in the spring and one in the fall. See
our upcoming events in the column to the left.
The BBRS is currently working with BREC to refurbish the Independence Park rose garden and make it more environmentally sustainable. This is a cooperative effort by the Baton Rouge Rose
Society, BREC and the Botanic Garden Foundation Council. You can now see the growth habits of all varieties of roses. There are hardy Hybrid Teas, Floribundas, English Roses, Griffith Buck
Roses, Miniatures, and many Old Garden Roses on display.
Mail Order
Chamblee Rose Nursery - Wide variety of all kinds especially Griffith Buck (order early)
Heirloom Roses - Old Garden Roses, Hybred Teas, new introductions on their own roots
Rosemania - Roses and essentials (fungicides, insecticides, equipment, gloves, etc.)
K and M Nursery - Roses grafted onto Fortuniana rootstock - preferred for local growing conditions
Cherokee Rose
This native of China naturalized across the south probably by nurseryman Thomas Affleck (1812-1868) who lived in Mississippi and Texas. Legend suggests that it was carried by the Cherokees as they left on the Trail of Tears. It blooms profusely in spring and is a vigorous climber in the landscape.